Friday, April 10, 2015

Follow Friday #4

The Feature & Follow is hosted by Parajunkee of Parajunkee's and Alison of Alison Can Read.

Question of the week: Have you ever read a book you thought you’d hate but loved? Or vice versa?
Answer: Yes! To mention a few: 
  1. In Honor by Jess Kirby -> I thought I was going to love this book because it involves a road trip and romance, but I didn't. Gave it 2/5
  2. Vampire Academy series by Richelle Mead -> Because of the hype this series got, I was worried I'd not like it, but I LOVED it. I read the first 4 books straight in a week. 
  3. Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi -> Of course everyone love this book, so I thought I would too. But nope... I disliked this book so much. Gave it 1/5
  4. The Book Thief by Markus Zsuak -> The synopsis didn't interest me at all. But everyone seems love it, so I gave it a try. BEST BOOK I'VE EVER READ! It's one of my top favorite books of all time. 
Leave me a link of your Follow Friday, and I'll be sure to check it out! 
Happy Reading! 


  1. Totally agree about Vampire Academy and The Book Thief! I felt the same way! I'm so sorry you didn't like Shatter Me! I read the series at the beginning of this year and I absolutely loved it!! Warner.... swoon!!

    Old follower!

    Here's my FF!

  2. So excited to hear that about The Book Thief! I haven't read it yet, but just found it at a used book store and can't wait to start it :)

    New follower on Bloglovin

  3. Vampire Academy is amazing! I am stuck on the final book though, it has been years since I read that series and I think some of that excitement has died of for me :( I need to read The Book Thief, I absolutely loved the movie!

    New follower via GFC
    Check out my FF here!

  4. Do check out my FF:
    Old follower :-)

  5. Oh my word! I read the first three chapters of The Book Thief and had to put it down, the POV narration was so confusing. I need to pick it up again though, despite its complexities :P

    New Follower!
    Sparrow's F&F

  6. I need to read the rest of Vampire Academy! I read the first three, and I want to read Bloodlines afterwards! New follower!

    Lizzie @

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I haven't had the chance to read the book thief I always wanted to read it so now I am going to make sure next time I go to a bookshop I will buy it !!

    New follower Via GFC
    My Follow Friday :

    Nejoud @ NejoudIsCurrentlyReading

  9. I'm sad you didn't like Shatter Me, but also I'm happy because you liked Vampire Academy!
    New follower via GFC :)

    Check my FF
    Barbara @ Banosaur Blog

  10. I haven't read any of the books you've listed! Well, that's not entirely true... I started Vampire Academy but didn't make it past the first couple chapters. New GFC follower!

    Here's my F&F!

  11. The Book Thief is one of those books I have to read no matter what! Vampire Academy, on the other hand, ehhh. I think I'll passed. I'm not into paranormal and I tend to avoid book series turned into TV shows. Even if I did add it to my TBR shelf, I would never get around to it.

    New follower via GFC :)

    Cee @ The Mistress Case

  12. I never finished Vampire Academy. :( I know I need to give it another try as everyone says the series got better after the first one..but just never have.

    Friday Memes

  13. I loved the Vampire Academy series. Old Follower. Here's my FF:

  14. I loved the VA series, I just DO NOT like the graphic novels.

    Check out my FF!

  15. I'm excited you love the Vampire Academy series! I've still got the first one on my TBR list! I haven't seen the movie so as not to spoil the book, so the plot will be a total surprise! :) I'm a brand new follower!

  16. It's funny how subjective reading. I loved Shatter Me, I agree with you on In Honor and Vampire Academy too. Vampire Academy is what made me start my book blog. Old follower.

    Shannon The Tale Temptress' FF
